Forschungsprojekt FESSUD - Financialisation, Economy, Society and Sustainable Development

Financialisation, Economy, Society and Sustainable Development (FESSUD) is a five-year project, 2011 – 2016, under the European Commission 7th Framework Programme, which brings together economists and other social scientists to look at how financialisation - the increasing dominance of the financial system over other parts of the economy - has affected the performances of national economies and the global economy in the last 30 years. The following issues have been addressed:

  • the impact of financialisation on the achievement of specific economic, social, and environmental objectives;
  • the relationship between financialisation and the sustainability of the financial system, economic development and the environment;
  • the lessons to be drawn from the crisis about the nature and impact of financialisation;
  • the requisites for a financial system able to support a process of sustainable development, broadly conceived.

More on the official FESSUD website.

The role of the IPE/HWR Berlin in the FESSUD project

The HWR Berlin/IPE team:

Sigrid Betzelt, Trevor Evans, Eckhard Hein (coordination), Hansjörg Herr, Daniel Detzer, Nina Dodig

The work packages (WP) with IPE/HWR participation

European Commission Policy Brief:

  • Creel, J., Detzer, D., Labondance, F., Rodriguez, C.: Banking Risk in France, Germany and Spain, European Policy Brief, European Commission, July 2016 (Download)

Journal articles:

  • Detzer, D.: The German Financial System and the Financial Crisis, in: Intereconomics Review of European Economic Policy, Volume 49, March/April 2014, Number 2 (Download)

Book chapters:

  • Hein, E., Dodig, N., Budyldina, N.: The transition towards finance dominated capitalism: French Regulation School, Social Structures of Accumulation and post-Keynesian approaches compared, in: Hein, E., Detzer, D., Dodig, N (eds.): The Demise Of Finance-Dominated Capitalism. Explaining the Financial and Economic Crises, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2015 (LinkIPE working paper version)

FESSUD Studies in financial systems:

  • Detzer, D., Dodig, N., Evans, T., Hein, E., Herr, H.: The German Financial System, FESSUD Studies No 3, 2013, University of Leeds

Working Paper Series:

  • Argitis, G., Evans, T., Michell, J., Toporowski, J.: Finance and Crisis: Marxian, Institutionalist and Circuitist approaches, FESSUD Working Paper Series No. 39, University of Leeds / IPE Working Paper No. 45, 2014 (Download
  • Dodig, N., Herr, H.: Theories of Finance and Financial Crisis – Lessons for the Great Recession, FESSUD Working Paper Series No. 126, University of Leeds / IPE Working Paper No. 48, 2015 (Download)

European Commission Policy Brief:

  • Hein, E.: Regime changes in the course of the crisis: tendencies towards mercantilism and economic policy challenges, European Policy Brief, European Commission, July 2016 (Download)

Journal articles:

  • Hein, E., Detzer, D.: Finance-dominated capitalism and income distribution: a Kaleckian perspective on the case of Germany, in: Italian Economic Journal, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 171-191 (Download, IPE working paper version)


  • Hein, E., Detzer, D., Dodig, N. (eds): Financialisation and the Financial and Economic Crises. Country Studies, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2016 (Link)
  • Hein, E., Detzer, D., Dodig, N (eds.): The Demise Of Finance-Dominated Capitalism. Explaining the Financial and Economic Crises, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2015 (Link)

Book chapters:

  • Detzer, D., Hein, E.: Finance-dominated capitalism and its crisis in Germany: deep recession and quick recovery – Germany as a role model?, in: Truger, A., Hein, E., Heine, M., Hoffer, F. (eds.), Monetäre Makroökonomie, Arbeitsmärkte und Entwicklung/Monetary Macroeconomics, Labour Markets and Development, Festschrift für/for Hansjörg Herr, Marburg: Metropolis 2016 (LinkIPE working paper version)
  • Evans, T.: The crisis of finance-led capitalism in the United States, in: Hein, E., Detzer, D., Dodig, N. (eds): Financialisation and the Financial and Economic Crises. Country Studies, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2016 (LinkIPE working paper version)
  • Detzer, D., Hein, E.: Financialisation and the crises in the export-led mercantilist Germany, in: Hein, E., Detzer, D., Dodig, N. (eds): Financialisation and the Financial and Economic Crises. Country Studies, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2016 (Link, IPE working paper version)
  • Dodig, N., Hein, E., Detzer, D.: Financialisation and the financial and economic crises: theoretical framework and empirical analysis for 15 countries, in: Hein, E., Detzer, D., Dodig, N. (eds): Financialisation and the Financial and Economic Crises. Country Studies, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2016 (LinkIPE working paper version)
  • Hein, E., Dodig, N.: Finance dominated capitalism, distribution, growth and crises – long-run tendencies, in: Hein, E., Detzer, D., Dodig, N (eds.): The Demise Of Finance-Dominated Capitalism. Explaining the Financial and Economic Crises, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2015 (LinkIPE working paper version)
  • Dodig, N., Herr, H.: Financial crises leading to stagnation – selected historical case studies, in: Hein, E., Detzer, D., Dodig, N (eds.): The Demise Of Finance-Dominated Capitalism. Explaining the Financial and Economic Crises, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2015 (LinkIPE working paper version)
  • Detzer, D., Herr, H.: Theories of financial crises as a cumulative process – an overview, in: Hein, E., Detzer, D., Dodig, N (eds.): The Demise Of Finance-Dominated Capitalism. Explaining the Financial and Economic Crises, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2015 (LinkIPE working paper version)
  • Evans, Trevor: Five explanations for the international financial crisis, in: Hein, E., Detzer, D., Dodig, N (eds.): The Demise Of Finance-Dominated Capitalism. Explaining the Financial and Economic Crises, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2015 (Link)

Working Paper Series:

  • Evans, T., Herr, H.: Synthesis of sectoral studies of the currency, energy and residential property markets, FESSUD Working Papers Series No. 113, University of Leeds / IPE Working Paper No. 62, 2015/2016 (Download)
  • Hein, E.: Causes and Consequences of the Financial Crisis and the Implications for a More Resilient Financial and Economic System, FESSUD Working Paper Series No. 128, University of Leeds / IPE Working Paper No. 61, 2015/2016 (Download)

Journal articles:

  • Detzer, D.: Financial market regulation in Germany: capital requirements of financial institutions, in: PSL Quarterly Review, Vol. 68, No. 272, 2015 (Link, EABH working paper version)

Book chapters:

  • Detzer, D. Herr, H.: Financial regulation in Germany, in: R. Kattel, J. Kregel, M. Tonveronachi (eds.): Financial Regulation in the European Union, Routledge: London, New York, 2016 (Link)

Working Paper Series:

  • Detzer, D.: Financial Market Regulation in Germany – Capital Requirements of Financial Institutions, FESSUD Working Paper Series No. 26, University of Leeds

Betzelt, S., Santos, A.C., Lopes, C.A.: Financialisation and work: New transdisciplinary insights from micro-level survey data, FESSUD Working Paper Series No. 181, University of Leeds / IPE Working Paper No. 77, 2016 (Download)

  • Dodig, N., Herr, H.: Current Account Imbalances in the EMU: An Assessment of Official Policy Responses, in: Panoeconomicus, Vol. 62, No. 2, 2015, pp. 193 – 216 (IPE working paper version)
  • Detzer, D.: Financialisation, Debt and Inequality – Scenarios Based on a Stock Flow Consistent Model, FESSUD Working Paper Series No. 151, University of Leeds / IPE Working Paper No. 64, 2016 (Download)


  • Daniel Detzer, Nina Dodig, Trevor Evans, Eckhard Hein, Hansjörg Herr, Franz J. Prante: The German Financial System and the Financial and Economic Crisis, Cham et al.: Springer International, 2017 (Download)

Journal article:

  • Herr, H.: After the Financial Crisis: Reforms and Reform Options for Finance, Regulation and Institutional Structure, in: Journal of Economic Bibliography, Vol. 3, 172-202, 2016 (DownloadIPE working paper version)