Paula Duarte is a PhD candidate in Law and Regulation at the Getulio Vargas
Foundation (FGV Law School) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Her research explores how
financial regulators can advance the digital and financial inclusion of women, with a
particular emphasis on the Brazilian context. She is a researcher and lecturer at FGV
Law School, holding a Master’s degree in Law and Public Policy from the Federal
University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (Unirio) and a Bachelor’s degree from FGV
Law School. From april to october 2024, Paula was a Visiting Researcher at IPE – HWR
Research interests:
- Public policy;
- Digital financial services;
- Financial regulation;
- Gender studies;
- Financial inclusion and digital financial inclusion;
- Community currencies;
- Law and Economics
Selected Publications
“Digital community currencies and low-income women: can the digitalization of CCs
enhance gender equality in poor communities”. 7th Biennal RAMICS International
Congress - The Future of Money: Democracy, Localism and Inclusion (2024).
“Enhancing Financial Inclusion in Developing Countries: The Potential of Drex, the
Bazilian CBDC”. 28th FMM Conference: Progressive perspectives in times of Polycrisis
“Open Banking: Uma Análise Do Novo Sistema De Compartilhamento De Dados À Luz
Da Regulação Responsiva”. Revista da Procuradoria-Geral do Banco Central, v.16,
p.59 - 72. English Title: “Open Banking: An Analysis of the New Data Sharing System in
Light of Responsive Regulation” (2023).