Alberto Cunha
Alberto Cunha holds a PhD in European Studies from King's College London (2024 graduation) and two MAs, including one in International Relations from the University of Lisbon (2019 graduation). Since 2020, Alberto has been a research associate at IEP Berlin and has been a teaching assistant at King´s College London and a Lecturer at HWR Berlin and Humboldt University. His research has focused on German European policy, namely within the Euro Area, and EU foreign and security policies.
Selected publications:
BOOK (Honorable Mention in Jacques Delors Prize 2020 - Portugal)
- Cunha, A. (2020). Moving slowly towards a European Defence - the possible compromise between France and Germany. Self-published (in Portuguese), Jacques Delors Library.
- Cunha, A. (2023). Deutschland als Hegemon in der Eurozone? Der “bestimmende Einfluss” der deutschen ordoliberalen Ideologie. Integration, volume 46, issue 1, pp. 38.58.France, Germany and Spain, Review of Political Economy, 30 (1), 41-71.
- Cunha, A. (2021). The dismantling of the West? Normative divisions, transatlantic tensions and the shifting of the global balance of power [policy brief]. Young Security Conference.
- Cunha, A. (2019). Compreender os nacionalismos na Europa do pós-Guerra Fria. Relações Internacionais (R: I), issue 62, pp. 75-83.
- Cunha, A. (2021). Europe’s Hegemon? The Nature of German Power During Europe’s Crisis Decade. Einternational relations.
- Cunha, A. (2021). The dismantling of the West? Normative divisions, transatlantic tensions and the shifting of the global balance of power [policy brief]. Young Security Conference.
- Cunha, A. (2020). Post-Brexit EU Defence Policy: Is Germany Leading towards a European Army Einternational relations.
- Cunha, A. (2017). Paving the New Silk Road: The Evolution of the Sino-German Strategic Partnership. Observatório Politico, Working Paper 67.