Johannes Buchner

Johannes Buchner, Dr. rer. nat., works as "Advisor for Data Engineering, Data Science and Machine Learning" at the Zukunft – Umwelt – Gesellschaft (ZUG) gGmbH. One project he contributes to is called "AI Commons Lab" (KI-Ideenwerkstatt in German), and deals with applications of artificial intelligence for the common good, with a focus on protecting the environement. In this context, he has organized several "Lab Talks" with topics related to AI and Circular Economy (more info e.g. here and here). He also wrote a blog-entry together with a colleague on the topic "Digital Product Data and AI as Key Technology for a Circular Economy" that can be found here, (in German). Additionally, he is part of the funding initiative "AI lighthouses for the Environement, Climate, Nature and Ressources" and the "Green AI Hub SMEs" of the federal ministery for the environement, which contributes to apply modern AI-methods for more ressource efficiency in SMEs.

Before he worked in the field of "international politics" and "political strategy and fundamental policy questions". His responsibilities included european economic policy, questions regarding climate change and environmental policy as well as the strategic options for progressive governments on a national level. Prior to this, he was working for two years as personal assistant to the President of the European Left, Dr. Gregor Gysi.

During the years 2016/2017, he worked as a research associate in the project 'Model-theoretic Foundations of Controversies in Economic Policy' at the Berlin School of Economics and Law (BSEL).

He completed a PhD in Mathematics from FU Berlin in 2013, where he did research in Nonlinear Dynamical Systems. Then he has spent 2 years as a Post-Doc in the research project “Mathematics for New Economic Thinking” (supported by INET) at the Fields Institute (Toronto) and McMaster University (Hamilton, Ontario). His focus of research is “Critical Mathematical Economics”.