Dirk Ehnts
Dr. Dirk Ehnts is an accredited parliamentary assistant at the European Parliament in Brussels for Fabio de Masi (MEP). Previously, Dr. Ehnts was a visiting professor at the European University of Flensburg and a visiting professor of Latin American macroeconomics at the Free University of Berlin. Prior to that, he was a guest lecturer in economics, in particular macroeconomics, money and currency, at the Berlin School of Economics and Law (2012-2014) and held more academic positions. Ehnts is a representative of Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) and spokesman of the board of Pufendorf-Gesellschaft e. V. Berlin.
Research Interest
I. Monetary Theory
- Connections between the finance ministry and the central bank
- A balance sheet perspective of the economy ("balance sheet approach")
- Inflation and price levels
- Historical theory: Wicksell, Keynes, Post-Keynesianism, Modern Money Theory (MMT)
- Regional Focus: China, Europe, Latin America, USA
II. Macroeconomics
- Modeling economies
- Crises and depressions
- International macroeconomics
- Monetary macroeconomics
III. Methodology, Ontology and Epistemology
- George Soros and his Theory of Reflexivity
- Paul Davidson and Non-Ergodicity
- The methodology of stock-flow consistent (SFC) models
Selected Publications
- D. Ehnts (2024). Modern Money Theory: A Simple Guide to the Monetary System. Springer
- D. Ehnts and L. R. Wray (2024). Revisiting MMT, Sovereign Currencies and the Eurozone: A Reply to Marc Lavoie, Review of Political Economy 34(4), S. 633-646
- D. Ehnts (2023). Makroökonomik: Wirtschaftstheorie für das 21. Jahrhundert. Springer
- D. Ehnts (2022). Modern Money Theory: Eine Einführung. Springer
- D. Ehnts (2020). Geld und Kredit: eine €-päische Perspektive. Metropolis-Verlag, Marburg, 4. Auflage.
- D. Ehnts (2014). A simple macroeconomic model of a currency union with endogenous money and saving-investment imbalances, International Journal for Pluralism and Economic Education Vol. 5(3), S. 279-297
- D. Ehnts (2016), Modern Monetary Theory and European Macroeconomics: Routledge
Email: dirk.ehnts@wirtschaft.tu-chemnitz.de