Hanna Völkle

Hanna Völkle researches the feminist-ecological economy of time and is a doctoral candidate at the University of Vechta. She works as a social scientist and research assistant for the Harriet Taylor Mill Institute for Economics and Gender Studies at the Berlin School of Economics and Law and is a volunteer on the board of the EAF Berlin, which campaigns for equal opportunities in business, science and politics. Since 2019, she has been a lecturer on Feminist Ecological Economics at the HWR Berlin and also teaches seminars on political economy and digital transformation. She completed a traineeship in science communication at the Institute for Ecological Economy Research (IÖW). In 2018, she completed the Master's program “Political Economy of European Integration” at the HWR Berlin. She is a member of “efas - das Ökonominnennetzwerk” and the “Netzwerk Vorsorgendes Wirtschaften”.

Research Interests

  • Feminist economics
  • Social-ecological transformation

Selected Recent Publications

Yollu-Tok, Aysel; Völkle, Hanna (2024): Feministische Wirtschaftspolitik. Eine Expertise. Hg. v. Deutscher Frauenrat. Berlin. Download: https://www.frauenrat.de/feministische-wirtschaftspolitik/

Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend (BMFSFJ) (2024): Führen in Teilzeit in den obersten Bundesbehörden. Berlin. Download: www.bmfsfj.de/resource/blob/241356/9a2a5f5a9bed25e7f9d5f6bf07895ace/handlungsleitfaden-data.pdf

Völkle, Hanna (2024): Politische Ökonomie der Zeit. Zur Relevanz von Zeitpolitik im Rahmen der sozial-ökologischen Transformation. FES impuls, Hg. Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Bonn. Download: https://library.fes.de/pdf-files/a-p-b/21140.pdf

Dengler, Corinna; Dornis, Nora; Heck, Lukas; Völkle, Hanna (2024): Klimafreundliche und gesundheitsfördernde Aspekte von Zeitwohlstand, Hg. v. Gesundheit Österreich, Wien. Download: https://jasmin.goeg.at/id/eprint/3423/1/GOEGPolicyBrief-Zeitwohlstand_bf.pdf

Dengler, Corinna; Völkle, Hanna (2022): Feminist theory in international political economy. In: Deese, David (ed.): A Research Agenda for International Political Economy. Most Promising Pathways and Directions. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 201-214.


E: hanna.voelkle(at)hwr-berlin.de