Benjamin Jungmann

Benjamin Jungmann is a research associate at the Berlin School of Economics and Law. As a PhD student at the University of Paris Sorbonne Nord, he examines demand and growth regimes in emerging economies applying post-Keynesian macroeconomics complemented by Comparative and International Political Economy approaches.

He holds a Master's degree in Economic Analysis and Policy from the University of Paris Sorbonne Nord and in International Economics from the Berlin School of Economics and Law. His Master’s thesis entitled “Growth Drivers in Emerging Capitalist Economies before and after the Global Financial Crisis“ was awarded with the 1st prize of the Tiburtius Prize 2022.

He earned his Bachelor's degree in Economics from the Free University of Berlin.

Research interests

  • Post-Keynesian macroeconomics
  • Emerging economies
  • Economic policy
  • Growth and distribution
  • International and Comparative Political Economy

Selected Publications

Akcay, Ü., Hein, E. & Jungmann, B. (2022). Financialisation and macroeconomic regimes in emerging capitalist countries before and after the Great Recession. International Journal of Political Economy, 51(2), 77-100.

Akcay, Ü., Jungmann, B. (2023). Growth regimes, dominant social blocs and growth strategies: Varieties of export-led growth regimes and strategies in Turkey and Poland, European Journal of Economics and Economic Policies: Intervention, 20(3), 539-560.

Campana, J., Embova Vaz, J., Hein, E., Jungmann, B. (2024). Demand and growth regimes of the BRICs countries –the national income and financial accounting decomposition approach and an autonomous demand-led growth perspective, European Journal of Economics and Economic Policies: Intervention, 21(1), 17-41.

Jungmann, B., (2023). Growth drivers in emerging capitalist economies: Building blocks for a post-Keynesian analysis and an empirical exploration of the years before and after the Global Financial Crisis, Review of Evolutionary Political Economy, 4(2), 349-386.

Further work can be found here.

Benjamin Jungmann
T +49 30 30877-1463

Schöneberg Campus, Building E  , Room E 5.18
Babelsberger Str. 14-16, 10715 Berlin